The iDOLM@STER SideM is a branch of THE iDOLM@STER series that features all male idols! There are 49 idols divided up into 16 units. They work together in their production, 315 (saikou) Production.Each character had established jobs and/or occupations before becoming an idol. Although their life choices may seem absurd or irresponsible, each character has their own reasons and motives to why they switched their job to an idol. Hence the series' tagline:WAKEATTE IDOL!
An idol for some reason!SideM is a multimedia series that has a history of music, seiyuu lives, 3D lives, games, manga, anime, collabs, and more!Our goal is to help English fans get through the language barrier and enjoy THE iDOLM@STER SideM!Interested in helping out? We retweet all long-form SideM translations (such as event scenes, SideMemories, etc.), so if you have a translation you'd like us to share, please send us a DM!You can also help out on the SideM Wiki!
Official Links
• Official Twitter• Lantis SideM Twitter
Updates on music releases & the VA radio show "315Pro Night!"• Official Website
AKA "The Portal"
Hosts archives of game content and new stories.
• SideM ENG Twitter & Bluesky
Posts SideM-related news on both Twitter and Bluesky!• 315Pro Updates Instagram
Posts SideM-related news on Instagram!• imasallstars Tumblr
Posts general IM@S news for all branches, including SideM!
• SideM English Wiki
Translations for the idol's conversations, mobage comics, biographies, resumes, and song lyrics. Event translations and cards are currently being transferred here! Feel free to help out!• SideM English TL Archive
Lists all English SideM translations for all the games and portal site, including event stories (and summaries), 1koma, drama tracks, misc. lines, interviews, and more.• Saisuta Subs Youtube Channel
Watch translated stories from Growing Stars!• #SideMTL - Unofficial Translation Twitter Hashtag
A tag used by fans to share and curate translations.
Cards and Fan Archives
• SideM English Wiki
• Mobage Wiki (JP)
• LOS Wiki (JP)
• GS Wiki (JP)
• Frameless Mobage SRs
• Transparent LOS cards
• LOS model (static image) archive
• Game Story Archive Fan ChannelWe're in the process of adding all transparent Mobage cards to the card data pages of the SideM English Wiki. If there's a particular card you're looking for that isn't on there, you can DM us to add it.
• r/SideM subreddit (r/SideMLiveonStage / r/GrowingStars) / Discord server
• SideM Discord server
• SideM Wiki Discord server
• Shinsoku Ikkon Discord serverHave a SideM-focused server and would like to add it here? Let us know! No R-18 servers will be listed.
• Producer profile
• All IM@S branches idol sorter (includes SideM!)
- The "sensei's little dummy" head mod
- MichioP + S.E.MP, MizukiP, KaedeP, IkuP, KotohaP, KahoP (+ several other favorite idols)
- Birthdays, livestreams, misc. news
- Responsible for the cross-branch posts
- SideM wiki & Saisuta Subs admin
- Stuck in SideM insanity since 2019!
- The Forever 17 (35) mod
- HayatoP, NanaP, YumiP, SubaruP, HarukaP, ChiyokoP
- HayatoP for 10+ years and my love for him hasn't changed since the day we first met!
- The meme mod
- BeitP, SugarHeartP, HinanaP
- Saisuta Subs admin
- Loving SideM since 2014!